Download Google Earth - Mac or PC
Well I've kinda been under a rock as far as updating this website recently so sometime in the past few months GOOGLE WAS RELEASED FOR MAC OSX.

Wonderful news, especially because I recently got an iBook G4. Proud to announce too that Google Earth runs wonderfully on my 1.33ghz iBook G4 with 512mb ram (the bare bones iBook config).
Enjoy the free program for the small price of selling your soul (via Liscense Agreements) to Google forever
PS Just Kidding
PPS I hope.....
Google Earth Homepage
MMMmmm that bookmark is just!

What if you could access your bookmarks everywhere? Share them with others? What about seeing who has bookmarked the same things? Enter (, the social bookmarking site. Here you can search other peoples bookmarks by their title, or using TAGS ( as mentioned 2 posts back in the flick post ). My favorite thing to do is bookmark an interesting site, see who else has bookmarked it, and see what else they themselves have bookmarked.